West Malling Farmers Market is due to return on Sunday 23rd May 2021. A quick reminder to everyone that the farmers market takes place on the 4th Sunday of the month (except December 2021) and that there are 5 Sunday’s in May.
We’re pleased to confirm that we have now received the Road Closure Order for the farmers market so we now have the dates in place for the rest of 2021 and in to next year.
We welcomed back to the April farmers market a number of the stallholders who had been classified as providing Non Essential Services previously and had been unable to attend. You may have noticed at the April 2021 that Wealden Art were missing from the Farmers Market. They have decided to no longer attend markets, may attend a few events during the year and Alan will concentrate on teaching at his art classes.
We look forward to seeing you on 23rd May 2021.
We will post a list of the stallholders nearer the Farmers Market